Unraveling Our Ego With Ease: Channeled Message
With Love All Things Can Be Healed...
Channeled Message Included Below...
Recently in a workshop someone asked me how you could know if you’re creating from Ego or Alignment. Alignment in this case refers to, what’s in your best or highest interest and good, or from your soul’s path. This is a question that has come up a lot for those who are interested in connecting to their Higher Path, their Soul Self, or their Aligned outcomes, and yet who are also wanting to continue to actively create, intend and manifest.
As I channeled the answer, it was shown that when we ask this question for ourselves (“Am I creating & intending from my Ego or my Higher Alignment?”), the question itself can sometimes come from fear of our Ego. So to bypass the fear, the guidance that came through for this person (and everyone in the room) was:
“Never be afraid to Create something. If you Create something, and discover that it wasn’t in your best alignment, then it will fall away, or you will find that the pieces that work stay, and the pieces that don’t work fall away. It is also always an opportunity to learn what is in alignment for you, and what isn’t. So never be afraid to Create something. Create, move toward it, and you will discover what is a perfect fit.”
When we work with our Light and Highest Self to heal ourselves, over time, we positively unwind many pieces of our humanity, and our Ego. It is a journey. And as our Ego is unwound by our Light over time, it simply becomes easier to connect to our Soul, our higher wisdom and inner knowing. Our Heart and Soul become louder, as do our abilities to be guided with less human resistance.
So what are some things we can do to “avoid” our Ego? The first: Don’t avoid the Ego. Embrace it, allow it to heal. To love something, is to "make friends" with it. To love something is to begin to heal it.
There may be times when you can sit with elements of your Ego and let them be dismantled, or sometimes your Ego (figuratively speaking) comes crashing to the floor in pieces, even after years of healing work. Either way, it’s all great. And all are steps toward more easily knowing when you are connected to your Aligned path.
Another little tidbit, is that it’s not black or white. You can have parts of your Ego existing and still be moving toward your highest aligned outcomes. So don’t worry so much about the Ego. If you’re on the path of Evolution and Ascension (whether of your own intention or your Soul’s intended journey), you’ll get there.
There are other shortcuts and practices to connect to our Soul’s Path, rather than the Ego. One is to notice if you are coming from your inner Heart (chest area) as you speak, act and move forward. And if you are connected to your Heart, are you still noticing any charge in your responses to people or situations? If so, there may simply be some more clearing (or healing) to do.
Here is some more for you...
A channeled message for the week...
You may wish to take a deep breath and then continue reading...
Be not afraid of your own Ego. It has been there to support you in troubled times. However, it too is wanting for healing. Do not resist it or fight it, for all things that are healed are allowed.
You will find that with Love all things can be undone, and healed. You are beautiful and bountiful. You are blissful and free. This is your nature. You can trust yourself to the hands of Source. You have come here to become one with Source within you.
Give yourself breath and time to unwind who you have become. It takes time. It will not be an overnight journey nor should it ever be. Give yourself breath and time.
Relax into yourself.
When you choose something to create, it by itself is pure. There is nothing negative about a Creation of itself. It is the humanity that you struggle through that is the barrier to bliss and abundance; that sully your waters of creation. All things that are human can be undone. Abundance is yours.
From your highest being, your word is the word of Source.
Exercises and Intentions:
If you are in question if something is right, put your hand simply on your heart and ask the question, “Is this Aligned for me? Is this in everyone’s best and highest interest?” And allow the answer to come in time.
Ask your Higher Self to guide you toward those Creations that are in your best interest or that are happiest for you; to create Intentions from your best good, and the best good of others. Set the Intention to learn to distinguish what is Aligned for you and others.
Say to yourself with your hand on your Heart, “I now easily and effortlessly Create only those things that are Aligned for me and are in everyone’s Highest Interest.” Let this take over you gently over time and become what you are.
Say to yourself with your hand on your Heart, “I now know what is best for me on my Aligned Path and easily follow and set my intentions from there. I am doing what is best for me and in the highest interest of others.”
The thing of course is, we can’t always know what is in the Highest Interest of others. We may think we do, but there are so many things we cannot see. So setting this intention allows it to be, and over time, we true up to these intentions gradually and naturally. We become them subtly and softly over time.
With much love for a beautiful week,
If you’d like to learn more about working with your light, and clearing or healing of Ego consciousness, emotion and energy, you can find out more here. This work is all done in 5th dimensional space over the phone.
New Manifestation & Alignment Courses coming soon! Stay Tuned.
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