Shifting Your Will Toward Your Highest & Happiest Path

From "Willful" to "Willingness"...

Willingness: the quality or state of bring prepared to do something; readiness.

One of the challenges some people are currently having is not experiencing what they want to experience.
When you’re stuck with emotion, mind-based consciousness, or energy around you, it can be hard to “see through” it all. Your reality, given by your beliefs or thoughts, generates an experience that can simply be hidden from your view – it can be hard to distinguish. In part, there is a shift of Will needed.
As this is channeled, the “We” stated below is spoken from a higher consciousness. It downloaded as “steps” today. Naturally these steps can be followed in any particular order, and as well there are some other helpful elements not included here, but this is how it came through today. If you'd like, you can read the channeled content from blue box to blue box to feel the flow, and then go back and read the content in between for further distinction.

Channeled message...

A person’s Will is what helps them design their experience on this planet. The choice is hers or his as to what she or he wants to experience. The template of what is available for each individual is present in life - they can follow it or not follow it. It is up to them. They might discover that life is infinitely easier and more enjoyable if they follow this path, and yet it is still a choice. Often it is the human belief that it cannot be, or they can’t have it so good, or that something else is true instead (some other belief), that keeps them from simply saying yes to whatever the divine path is. And so they say no. We must honor this choice because it is the will that can decide what experiences are had on the planet. We wish for all peoples to let go and be in harmony and happiness but it takes some moving through the muck of human mindedness. There is much belief and consciousness still stuck in something else.
The first step is simply to be willing to follow your higher path and say yes to what is truly aligned.


This is your own Aligned path. It is your own Highest Path. You don’t need to understand it all, or what those words mean exactly, or how it naturally begins to fall into place. The invitation at this point is simply to say “yes.” But it’s a practical yes. Just as practical as if you accept an invitation to go to coffee with someone (and are willing to show up). How do you actually say “yes?” It’s pretty simple. Although you can say “yes” inside your own mind, or your own heart, often it also works for people to imagine you’re saying yes to something else. If that’s the case for you just direct your “yes” about one foot in any direction outside your body in any direction. Usually above your head or above your head to the left or right suits most people. Don’t over think it. Whatever works for you to feel like you’ve initiated a gentle stamp of “yes.” In the next moment you don’t have to do anything else.


The second step is the willingness to move through all the consciousness, belief and corresponding emotions that keep one directed elsewhere from that higher path (the happier path).


Again, this is just a willingness. An “okay, sure” is sufficient like the note above. In part this is the willingness to be responsible for everything that is yours that has kept you from something better. There is no heavy weight to the word “responsible.” Instead, it is a word of empowerment that enables each person to move toward what it is that they want to experience. [“Em-power-ment”... "em" (put in or into, bring to a certain state), "power," "ment" (the result or product of the action). Meaning to bring power into, in this case, ourselves.]


The third step is to work through those emotions, consciousness and beliefs whilst still saying yes to the higher (aligned) path, even when it is darkest, you think all goodness has abandoned you and you have lost your way.


There are many methods for working through emotions. The most effective often will be those that integrate the process of Allowance in some way. Although the mind can be used to process an emotion, when the mind is taken out of the process it will speed up the Allowance process and movement of the energetic of the emotion or part of consciousness.


The fourth step is faith ...and the willingness to always find your way back to truth, to love and to your easiest and aligned path.


Sometimes we simply cannot see the outcome of what is in our highest good. We have to get out of the way on this step. Faith or trust is needed to keep surrendering to what is in our highest good until we can see it more clearly for ourselves. It’s the old “hindsight is twenty-twenty.” Sometimes we can see what is needed or where we’re headed and sometimes we can’t. Inside of trust and faith in our higher self and higher path, we place our attention on our truth and letting that reveal itself to us as it shifts, rather than always trusting to our ego minds. In this “step” our hearts often sing the song of our truth, even if it’s hidden from us for a while.


The fifth step is asking. Ask your higher self to continue to help you, to help you heal, and ask for those things you really want. Here’s WHY you ask: You ask because to ASK is to actually CUT THROUGH the beliefs, emotion and heavy energy frequencies that keep you stuck. To ASK is to say to yourself in the subtext, “I know I feel like crap, or heavy, or uncertain. But I also know there is something better for me. I’d like to INITIATE that “something better” for myself by aligning with the frequency of it and it’s truth, rather than stay stuck here and wait longer.” And so by asking for whatever it is you want, it could be simple like asking for help with your relationship or help feeling better, or help having clearer answers in your job or work, whatever it is, by asking for what it is that you want, you begin to re-initiate it happening. Even when you think you’re too selfish to ask, or asking for the wrong thing, or your think should just be more patient. Although patience will often play into the formal manifestation of it, the initiation of the pieces can begin. And even if it plays out differently than you originally thought to want, it will fall into place perfectly for you and you’ll feel that alignment as so.


The action for this is the same as the first "step". Although we can ask our highest from within ourselves, often people find it useful to direct (or “place”) the request slightly outside by a foot or two. Follow what feels strongest for you and perhaps it may shift from day to day.


The sixth step is going back to the beginning and saying “yes” to it all. Now that you’ve asked, those pesky beliefs and consciousness emotions will want to “prevent” you from having it all. Go through the inner work, do what you must do, allow it all to move through you and be.
And lastly, step across that line. 
Do what you must to break through and step beyond what ways previously possible. Take that step forward toward the unknown, one step further outside your comfort zone into what is your possible bliss. Do it for the greater experience of freedom it will bring, and all the other experiences you know you wish to have whilst alive on this planet.
Inside it all, be your greatest love. Love where you feel hate, love where you feel hurt, love where you feel anger, love where anything doesn’t feel good. Whether that is outward toward others or the world or inward toward the emotions at play within you - love it all. You can be real and authentic and emotional and still feel love toward it all. It is in part that love that we all wish to move toward.


Find the experience of unconditional love inside your center core. It exists within us all there in our center. Focus that love on anything you are resisting simply to help it all move into the right place.


It is your will’s choice to decide what experience you wish to have. Are you expanding toward Love, or contracting to keep yourself from what "love" or "life" has done before. It was never Love that hurt you.


Connect with the higher frequencies. Surround yourself with positive, authentic people. Name the experience(s) you wish to have. Keep following whatever breadcrumbs are placed in front of you that will get you to your desired experiential outcome. Notice the breadcrumbs for what they are and keep saying “yes."

No matter where you are on your journey, you can go back and connect to the steps above. Sometimes we can get stuck once again, and we are reminded that a little willingness can go a long way.

With great love,

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Aria RaphaelComment