A "Dead-End" Could Be The Best Thing That Ever Happened: Channeled Message

"Yes to pathways to get me there..."

Creation: to bring something into existence or to cause something to happen as a result of one’s actions

Creating something might include a tangible outcome, or simply actualizing a new experience, perspective or way of being. Sometimes creating something in our lives will take action, and sometimes we can create something and have it occur without taking action.

Even for those of us who may consider ourselves master “creators,” we still can get stuck from time to time. Usually it’s an old belief, part of consciousness or emotions coming to the surface to be cleared or “healed” to make way for our fullest potential to be realized. Which can feel strange, because despite years of being in the groove of creating powerfully, you suddenly feel at ground zero again for a moment. If this resonates for you, it’s a possible indication that you’re going through through the Alignment process, where we naturally travel through all our emotions and consciousness to get to our highest state of existence.

Some of you have recently been working through making more space for what is really possible. Although it is recommended to move through, process, and allow the emotions that are creating the limitation, it is also recommended to remember to be a “Yes” to what is possible. In this way it is a balance and a dance: Allowance of emotions, belief-based consciousness and ego character, and Creation, which may include a declaration or saying "Yes" to what is already available and "waiting" for you.

For the moment, let's focus on Creation and finding the pathways to what's possible. I'd like to share something that was channeled in a call with one of you recently about creating and manifesting some next level things in life.

Perhaps you say, “I would like to have something, but I can’t have that something unless I have more money.” Or your say, “That person will always be like that. I can’t ever have a great or fun relationship with them.” Anything where you might say, “I can’t have that because....”

Feel free to take a deep breath here to settle down out of your mind before reading further…

At this moment imagine you are in a labyrinth, standing in a space where you are looking at a path ahead. You know there is something you want at the center, and yet all you can see is a path ahead of you that dead-ends almost immediately. You’ve walked to the end of that path and you know it equals, “ I would like to have what’s at the center of the labyrinth, but I can’t because (any reason).” What follows are possible thoughts such as “I don’t have more money,” “I don’t have enough work,” “I don’t have anyone I can ask for money.” Whatever the reasons or thoughts, it ends at that dead-end path of “I can’t have (or get to) what’s at the center.”

And this is all you see because you are looking toward what you want, but there are only limitations present. And that's often as far as we go. Even for those of us who have been creatively "bringing things into existence" for a very long time can know this spot again if a long-hidden belief (and resistance to the emotional frequency of it) comes to the surface for some reason.

Begin to shift your focus then...

Imagine now you are in the same labyrinth but suddenly around you are 6 or 8 or more different paths; 3 or more paths on the right side of you, and 3 or more paths on the left side of you. More than one of these paths goes to the center where what is wanted sits.

The discovery is to train our minds to find the “Yes” path – the path (or paths) that doestake us to the center. Very often we stop our thinking from going any further than seeing what is right in front of us – that one dead-end path.

We say, "I don't know how to fix this," "I don't know what the solution is," "I feel powerless against this." Instead begin by saying to yourself, "There's a solution (to everything), I simply haven't found it yet. Let me go find it," or "What is the solution?," or "Where is that path to what I want? It's here somewhere."

When something further arises, notice when you simply feel frustrated or stopped. Breathe through it, move through it, get support through it, create something to help you through it or create something to connect you to the outcome. The victory is always available.

So what we are looking for are the paths that do get us there. Begin to focus your mind on “where are the avenues to get there,” or “what are the pathways of least resistance.” Know that they are there, somewhere.

Each time you come to a dead-end (a failure, a road-block, a limiting belief), simply turn around and find the way to the center. Make “I am Finding the “Yes” Path” your single focus. In this way, anything does become possible.


Feel free to close your eyes, take a deep breath, and settle down even deeper into your heart before opening them again and reading further …

You are truly the greatest gift you can give yourself. Inside you are a wealth of possibilities. Inside you are all possibilities. Running through your being. Most often you believe that things exist outside of you, however this is primarily an illusion of being. True that tangible things will manifest tangibly outside of you, however within you are the roads and pathways to having those things come into existence; within you is the pure potential of the energy of the universe waiting to be used.
You came here of non-physical being consciousness, into a physical being. Your non-physical being consciousness tells you that all things are possible. Your physical being, your human self, looks at what is in front of it, and declares it as “what is so.” Do you look beyond your perceptions and observations to see what could exist beyond? Or do you stop where you are, limited by your thoughts and view points?
Give yourself the gift of your greatest self. Knowing that you are capable of reaching your highest heights. Team up with people who know how to get there or who support you. People who see the “Yes” of your greatest potential and remind you when you need reminding. Ask them to remind you. Surround yourself with people who see you, who love your soul and who will not let you be less than your highest potential. They are our gift to you, as you are our gift to them.
Right now you are wishing for more of something. It could be simple and sweet. Begin to see it as possible for yourself within your being. Hold it there in your heart. Feel the frequency of it run through you from your core to your feet, and your core to your head. Let it show you, inform you, of how it wants to constitute itself for you. Allow yourself to see a path to get there. First you must only say, “Yes. I am a Yes to this goodness.” Now you must say, “I am a Yes to pathways to get me there.”
Now open your eyes and write down for yourself any ideas that come to mind. Do not sensor yourself or limit any thought that comes to mind or wants to be written. Do not observe yet. This is the time for all possibilities to flow through you. Allow them, let them. Having then written everything, saying no to nothing, censoring nothing, letting all be said, now ask which action might be or should be taken first. Listen or feel from your heart and follow without censorship. Your opinion may not matter at this point. Having taken the first action go back and do the above again, or take the next action on your written list of ideas or avenues. If you find a dead-end, please understand this does not mean that you have not necessarily mis-heard the direction. It does not mean your intuitive skills are “broken.” It may also simply mean you were asked to follow an action to plant a seed for the future, or to momentarily direct your attention elsewhere because you were too fixated on something, or because you needed to go somewhere else to jog your memory into the right idea. Finding yourself standing at a dead-end might end up being the best thing that ever happened in your plan. So proceed ahead! Do not hesitate. Find your path to the center, where what your heart wishes for awaits you. Be love. Love yourself. Be your heart. Listen to your heart. Give yourself the gift of your greatest self. Say “Yes, anything is possible.”
Now go, pick a path and get there. You are surrounded by grace, goodness and the highest love.


If at any time the goal itself actually brings up fear or trepidation…

  • Move through, allow and process those emotions

  • Simply focus on the paths to get to the goal, instead of the goal itself

  • Pick a bigger “context” beyond the goal and make that instead the goal

  • Create/Declare how you say it's going to go from here on out

…Whatever works to ensure your limitations do not stop you from your greatest potential.


With much love,

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