Strengthening Our Energetic Boundaries
We’ve all heard of the spiritual or existential ideal of Oneness. One where we’re all interconnected. The dictionary defines it as: the fact or state of being unified or whole, though comprised of two or more parts. However, let’s just take that ideal to the extreme. Imagine you are sharing thoughts and emotions and energy with each and every human on the planet. That would not only be exhausting but distracting, toxic and debilitating. Instead, the new paradigm for our spiritual evolution is leading us away from that idea of Oneness and toward individual Alignment, which is where each and every person stands energetically separate from one another and in direct connection with their own highest consciousness. How you intuitively (or psychically) receive information then shifts and there is perfect integrity of the self. You can still emanate positive energy and feel connected to others but you are not leaving your personal field to do so. In fact, it is here that we are most connected to that which is in our highest good, including those relationships that serve us well. And those relationships can potentially become even more empowered and healthy.
To find and practice this kind of energetic independence we have to become masterful at a few things, one of which is Energetic Boundaries. There are lots of things to say about Energetic Boundaries but I thought for now we could start with the ignition point. And that is to address the part you are playing in your own Energetic Boundaries.
What is the difference between emotional and energetic boundaries? For the sake of our distinctions here, they aren’t different. Let’s say for example, you feel someone taking advantage of you. Energetically speaking it is because they are close to you within in your field, drawing something from your field towards themselves or better said, you are giving something energetic to them of your own accord. When we say “no” in some fashion, we are acknowledging, often largely to ourselves, “this space belongs to me and only I can exist here.” Not everyone will find their boundaries through the study or practice of energetics, but for those of us who are very sensitive to the energy, emotions and even thoughts of others, these nuances will help.
The word “Boundaries” may elicit a subtle (or strong) emotional response in those of us who feel our boundaries being overstepped by others. On a personal note, it was my urgent need for stronger energetic boundaries that kicked my journey toward Alignment into high gear. Feeling that someone is in our space, or dominating us, or taking advantage of us, or just coming too close, can all bring on a rainbow of emotions, and generally not the happy kind of rainbow. But there is a pot of gold at the end if you follow it, which contains a wealth of empowerment, freedom, fulfillment and joy.
To have Energetic Boundaries be effective your awareness must first remain fully within your own physical and energetic field. This alone can take some time to learn and discipline. However here is where you begin to distinguish how someone is able to access your field. If someone has found an “open door or window” in your field as access into your space or being, this “door” is likely open because you are also using it to leave your own field. In other words, you are potentially (or likely) also traveling outward at other times for your own reasons.
There are many reasons one might travel outwards. It could be to check someone out psychically, to connect with someone energetically because you miss them, to try and get information psychically, to “ask” for approval or love from someone energetically and emotionally, or to (over) assert oneself. There’s a long list of possibilities. Sometimes we also let people travel into our field because we are still getting something out of it by participating.
You can begin to see there is a subtle nuance in the emotional consciousness. Sitting in meditation is a good place to bring your awareness to these subtleties.
The simple understanding that we are also responsible for the “open doors” in our field can shift our focus. It takes us out of “victim” mode when experiencing someone is overstepping our boundaries and into personal empowerment knowing we can do something positive about it.
There is other work to be done if you want strong Energetic Boundaries, and that is the emotional work. In fact, if Alignment were the house we were building, clearing our emotions would be a large part of the foundation on which it’s built. So if you are experiencing “victimization” or others emotions (powerlessness, anger, etc.) they are also important, because they indicate the emotions for you to work through. Again, often what we are feeling emotionally is a piece of the consciousness allowing the cycle of weakened boundaries to exist in the first place. Always aim to clear blame and other emotions, and consider you’re either giving permission for someone to come too close or because you too are accessing others in some way. That said, wherever you are or whatever your experience you can begin with those feelings and emotions and work through in clearing them. This will take you a long way in strengthening your boundaries.
Although there is a lot more to be said about Energetic Boundaries, here are some tips to get you started focusing and disciplining your attention, intention and energetic will upon them:
Whilst in meditation (and with your eyes closed), turn your third eye inwards and the top of your head downwards in. This will begin to have you focus your attention toward yourself, and not outward toward others.
Say to yourself: “I stay right here in my center. I do not tread upon the energetic space of others, nor can others tread upon my energetic space. Each person is in their own place.”
For those of you with psychic or channeling gifts, you may be thoughtful on how to maintain those gifts in some fashion without violating the energetic boundaries of others. The path of Alignment and working with your Light simply alters the nature of how you receive information. In fact you may likely find the wisdom that is available is far enhanced and the extraneous information no longer necessary.
The truest integrity is to have all parts of you right where you are in your center. At its core, knowing how to have good boundaries, whether they’re emotional, psychological or psychic, is all about our energetic integrity. Stay in your heart. Stay in your core. Stay right where you are in your center. Build the right energetic around you from your higher consciousness. Work through your emotions.
With love,
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