Happy Love Day! Channeled Self-Love Exercises For You

Recently, in addition to continuing clear energy, emotions and consciousness patterns, I’ve been focusing a lot on raising my vibration of love even higher. It’s been a quite gorgeous and thrilling experience. Today, when I woke up, I nonetheless found myself connected to a few slightly lower frequency experiences and decided I should spend more of the day fully on Self Love, given it happens to be Valentine’s Day. I asked to download a number of exercises to help focus even further on Self-Love and I got a lot of them to choose from. Some were familiar from past knowledge, but they all held a certain special frequency in their being given.

And so I also wanted to share some of them with you, and some of the ones I loved most!

I understand that Self-Love is a choice. And it’s possible that it may just seem like a lot of “positive-minded transformational industry” fodder. But this is good stuff. Personally speaking, in combining this kind of work with my clearing work I’ve been experiencing a level of bliss and happiness I’ve not yet experienced before. Truly our frequency can keep getting higher and higher.

So here are some of the exercises below. I’ll give them to you in the order they downloaded, but I didn’t do them in the order provided, so feel free to pick and choose as you’d like.

There was also a fun kind of surprise in my day today actually! I did not wake up today knowing this was going to happen. Ha! But after downloading these exercises I was told that what is needed right now is a group exploration and experience of this work. Soooo, I’m listening! You'll find information about the group workshop exploration and calls below as well.

Channeled Self-Love Exercises

Imagine surrounding yourself with a huge bubble of light. Inside his bubble of light are all the things that you love and enjoy. It could be activities or people or places or whatever comes to mind. Fill your bubble with this and imagine all the positive frequencies of these things feeding into you. Allow it to increase your excitement for life. Now add things you are positivity anticipating in your future - an exciting trip to a foreign country, trying out an exotic or fun new restaurant, becoming good or masterful at something you love, a romantic relationship or the possibility of your own family: anything. Now fill up your bubble with all this and then let the frequency of those things feed into you. Feel the love of these things and of their experience of abundance. Take deep breaths. Perhaps now go do something that gives you joy or listen for what you should do next, even if it's make a cup of tea and do "nothing."


Look or listen for the places where you are still judging yourself. Decide that today is the day those judgments are complete. With your eyes closed, send love into those parts of you, giving them exactly what they need and want – and in particular, love.


Make a list of all the things you love about yourself. When you are done, change the title of the list to: Things That I Absolutely Adore About Myself. Write a couple of more things and then change the title of the list to: Things That Make Me Completely Adorable. Continue to fill out the list from here – let it flow and allow yourself to write whatever comes to you.


Having perhaps done any of the above or a number of the above, do something adoring for yourself today. Also do something loving or adoring for someone else today.


Write a letter to someone who you've felt discord with and tell them all the beautiful things about them that exist. Sit in meditation and feel love in your center for this person. You can send the letter or not.


Look at all the places you are invalidating yourself at the moment, or doubting yourself or the abundance of the universe to give you what you need. Write them out and then allow love to fill and heal these places. You can send love into the very paper you wrote on. Tell yourself the exact opposite of these beliefs or experiences and as you sit in meditation let that take over you mentally, visually (with eyes closed), experientially, energetically and emotionally.


Sit and pray or meditate or envision love for the entire world and every living be creature within it. Feel the love extend out from you and emanate outward. Let this love be absolute and complete as much as possible. When that is complete for you, ensure that you have been entirely included in that love for the whole - that the love completely extends to yourself as well. Note: There is no ego attachment involved in this exercise. You are not forcing love on others. As much as you can, take your own ego out and let it generate from you heart and being - from you core center.


I happened to start with the first one provided and moved around from there. My favorite for the moment (and the one I did second), is the one where I wrote all the things that make me Adorable! Haha! This made me so happy and loved. And I couldn’t stop myself from sharing all that newly generated love with other people around me today.

And since beginning writing this article, four more exercises have been suggested and downloaded. There are an abundance of ways we can love ourselves.

With love,

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