Finding The Flow: Channeled Message
Life has many ups and downs. Some days we’re on the up beat, and some days, the down beat. Our minds can sometimes trick us, telling us we should be somewhere other than what in this moment; that there is something wrong with where we are. We sometimes wait to feel better or more confident before having a conversation, taking an action or creating something. Or we feel frustrated because we find ourselves back at the beginning again.
My acting coach used to give us a great piece of advice whenever one of us in class was trying so hard to find the authenticity in our acting work, or unsure of how to find the flow, or disconnected from the character or story, or stuck on how to begin. His advice was, start with exactly where you are. If it’s a funny scene, but you’re feeling sad, start sad. If it’s a dramatic or dark scene but you feel happy and upbeat, begin the scene from exactly how you feel right now.
The point to his advice is to start in exactly in the present moment, in the most authentic place possible, connected to precisely who you are in the moment, and how you feel, and let everything flow from there. If we start from where we are now, it is real, present and connected to something authentic, and what follows can also be authentic.
Last week, as I sat down at my computer to begin composing this email, I struggled and labored to determine what to write for us, or where to begin (again). I then got the intuition to read through all my notes and content from my Manifestation courses through the past years. Perusing through the pages of class conversations and workshop exercises, I gravitated toward one simple sentence amongst the pages:
“(Dictionary Definition) Patience: The capacity to accept delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.”
That one simple sentence and the words, “The capacity to accept,” made me sigh a deep sigh of relaxation in my heart. The words allowed me to settle right into my center and be okay with, or accept, feeling stuck for a moment. And once I was okay with being right where I was, everything started to fall into place. I let my thoughts go, connected to my heart, and in less than a few minutes, the words began to flow out of me.
The truth is, when we believe we should feel positive, but feel negative; when we feel we should have everything all figured out, but feel lost or uncertain; or when we think we should already know how to do something, but can’t find the path, we then resist our present state and it prevents us from easily finding the flow we are looking for.
This can be especially challenging if we look back and think, “But I’ve already done this before! How come I can’t do it again? Why is it so hard this time? I SHOULD be able to do this. What’s wrong?” There’s nothing wrong. Perhaps you’re simply not the same person you were when you did it last time. You’ve acquired new experiences and new perspectives. You may doing the same action you’ve done before, but you’re not the same, and so somehow the starting point will have shifted.
Life is constant with new beginnings, because we are constantly growing or shifting in each moment.
The best we can do is begin right here, where we are now. Simply start in this moment, right where you are, with what you have within you, no matter how simply, small or insignificant it might feel; even if you’re sad or disempowered. Then let it flow from there.
When we begin again in each moment, we drop into the present, and time falls away. And little by little, it becomes easier and the path begins to define itself a little more clearly bit by bit once again.
A channeled message for the week
You may wish to take a deep breath and then continue reading...
Some of you are hard on yourselves. You feel that there is even more to be responsible for than you can contain. Yet life is meant to be deeply pleasurable, even in moments of sadness or regret. All of it is the beauty of being human. All of it is the best design of human experience. All of it is from the infinite.
Connect yourselves to the wonder of every single moment. Let go of the idea of who you are or what you want for a moment.
Let yourself simply breathe and exist. With nothing to further achieve than this moment.
You have mastered it! You have mastered this particular moment of existence and the experience that is available here and now! You have done it. You have succeeded. This is it. This is all there is right here. This is all there is in this moment.
You are the beauty of the universe in action. And this moment of infinity is the purest form of existence. Let yourself feel it in this moment, and realize you are FREE! You are free of all constraints and restrictions. In this moment there is freedom, and you have no bounds. In this moment you are boundless, and you are able to see and hear what there is to see and hear. You are able to give to yourself the exact bliss of the moment. Enjoy it. It is yours, and no one else’s.
And it moves into the next moment, and the next, until you have lived a long string of notes within the song. In each next moment you can choose the song you are singing, or another, but for now, relax into this moment of the song and be at peace with yourself. From here, you ARE an infinite abundance of choices.
What would you like to choose next?
Visualization & Exercise:
Imagine there is a sound track to your life playing at this very moment. It may be fast or it may move slowly depending on your mood, mindset and energy. Slow down your breathing to the rhythm that is within you. Don’t resist whatever it is, or where you think you should be or want to be.
Connect to your heart.
Is your inner energetic rhythm beating quickly or slowly? Allow your breath to match this rhythm within you and let your attention go for a moment. Let everything be okay exactly as it is.
Take another deep breath and settle into yourself more deeply.
Choose an action. Begin the action from the same rhythm that is within you, whether that be fast or slow, happy or sad, up or down, optimistic or pessimistic. It doesn’t matter, just begin here and now with nowhere to get.
The point is not to know how the song is going to go, the point is simply to dance. Improvise with the rhythm that is playing in the background, knowing that it is carrying you somewhere. Trust that the music will find it’s own conclusion. All you have to do is stand up and dance, no matter if it’s graceful or awkward. You’ll find the beat.
And each day …begin again with a new dance.
With much love,
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