Ahhh, Acceptance: Channeled Message
Acceptance can be a key element in our Healing; it can impact our ability to Manifest with ease; it supports and fosters our journey into Alignment with our highest good; it helps in strengthening our Boundaries; and it opens space for a higher and more positive experience of life.
(Channeled Message Included Below...)
Ah, Acceptance. It is a gift we can give ourselves. The world is so busy with noise and human consciousness, Acceptance can help us find that place within ourselves that gives us peace.
Last week I wrote about finding the positive flow of life by connecting to exactly where we are and however we feel in the present moment. I shared with you that I powerfully reconnected to the experience myself after I read the definition of Patience (read last week’s post here: Finding the Flow). The first four words of the definition held the secret: “The capacity to accept…” (see definition of Patience)
Acceptance is another way we can find the present moment, connect within, and free ourselves from the distracted emotional chatter of life.
You'll see the definition itself uses the word, Capacity, referring to our containment of something, and pointing to Acceptance existing and occurring within us.
Acceptance can apply to situations in our lives, our experiences of other people, our view of world events, and most importantly for our healing and alignment process: our own emotions.
Acceptance is the ability to let things flow the way they need to freely. Acceptance can help us heal our Attachments of how we want things to occur, which can then allow things (and people as well) to show up differently. It can allow things to ultimately align as they need to in the highest good.
To accept something without understanding the entirety of the situation, is to have faith and trust in the truth that we can't always see the whole picture at first. In some instances, Acceptance comes first, and understanding comes later.
Acceptance (and Allowance) is not complacency. It is not standing by and witnessing bad things happening. Acceptance simply heals our consciousness, our emotions, and our resistance, which can on occasion be contributing to the Creation of what we don’t want.
We can be resisting something that has already happened in the past (wishing it had happened differently), the present, or our anticipation of the future.
Resistance pushes emotions outward and prevents Acceptance. Sometimes we resist not just an emotion, but the entire process of Acceptance itself because we are so determined to have something turn out differently than how it is occurring right now. There is a false belief that if we Accept something, that means we are okay with it being this way; or we have to resign ourselves to that it will never be any different. Just because we Accept something as it is in the moment, doesn’t mean it can’t ever be different than how it is right now.
Let’s say for example, an emotion, such as Sadness. We may resist our Sadness. Perhaps it’s because we are making it wrong that we feel sad. We might have a hidden belief that we shouldn’t feel or be sad. For example you may have within your consciousness a belief such as: “It’s better (or looks better) to be happy;” “If I’m sad, I’ll attract more sadness;” “Men should never show their sadness;” “My mother/father was always sad and I don’t want to be like her/him;” or “No one likes sad people;” "If I'm sad I can't manifest." etc.
We also might not want to feel our sadness because we’re afraid that it will come into our being and then we’ll get stuck feeling sad, or that as soon as it starts it’ll never end, and so we push it out from our body into our energetic field. In this way, we deny our Sadness. To Accept something is to let it (allow it) into us, and then it can move and heal, transmute, disappear. The words might be, “I Accept my Sadness.”
We can Accept (and begin to energetically Allow, and then disappear) our Stubbornness, our Indignation, our Resignation, our Resistance, our Argumentativeness, our Fear, our… Anything.
A channeled message for the week...
You may wish to take a deep breath and then continue reading...
You may have forgotten why you came here. You have forgotten that you came here to create, to experience, to live out the opportunities for energy and consciousness on the planet. The world told you: “It should be like this.” And so you complied. However you forgot that it is all energetic, and all molded to your design.
Look around you, and see what you don’t like, what is displeasing or disharmonious, or lacks positive flavor for you. Alright, that is what it is. It need not be different. However, turn your attention toward those things that you like or bring happiness instead. Where are the points of positivity or happiness to focus upon?
Then you turn your attention back to those things that are disharmonious, because they are in your path, and you must manage them. Accept them exactly as they are, and exactly as they aren’t. It is what it is for this moment. Send positivity in the direction of these things that are not positive in flavor.
Acceptance is not entirely what you believe it is. Acceptance is your own stillness within. It is your ability to allow something to be exactly as it is, and exactly as it isn’t, without assessment. It is your ability to find stillness, because that is in your best interest.
Acceptance is the ability to Allow life to flow through you with ease, lighting upon those things that you want to manifest, and saying yes to what pleases you, and to what your Soul desires to experience.
When you declare, I Accept, you give something space to exist as it exists now, and then you too have more space to exist as you are. When you choose Acceptance, you choose to Allow, and thereby, give space. With this new space, you can also Allow whatever is in the best interest of all.
When you declare, I Accept, to your emotions, you give space to let them flow, to move, to jive in whatever direction they want through you. And in this way, you clear yourself of the frequencies that may have been holding you back.
You came here to create, not to force your will on others. There is more than enough space for everyone to create. When you can clear your consciousness, you grant even more space to the planet to find co-creations that perfectly align with one another in everyone’s highest good.
When you Accept your own consciousness, in the same way, you make more space for something to happen in accordance with your highest good. You make more space to Create what you wish to experience now on this planet.
You can begin by asking yourself:
What have I not been willing to Accept?
What am I resisting Accepting?
What am I not okay with?
What upsets me?
Is it a situation in your life right now? An emotion? What is it that you’re resisting, rejecting or unwilling to be with?
It often helps to journal the answers to these questions, as we may sometimes find ourselves writing or saying something that we didn't know was actually there in our consciousness.
Sit in a quiet place, take some deep breaths, and begin by saying "I Accept..." (whatever is there for you to Accept).
If you are unsure of what there is to Accept, we can always begin with, "I Accept life exactly as it is right now."
Although you have started by identifying what there might be to Accept, Acceptance itself is not inherently a cerebral journey. Your mind doesn’t actually have to be involved once you begin to Accept. You can Accept something without having to understand why something happened or how it happened or even what is happening. It is a process that engages our being, our emotions, and at its best, our heart space or physical core. Acceptance at the end of the day, is energetic, which all emotions are.
Although Acceptance can sometimes feel like the absence of something, because it often occurs when we have cleared or have made peace with our other emotions, Acceptance is an actual experience, and it happens right in our very center of our physical body. To Accept something is to simply let something be, exactly as it is, and exactly as it isn’t, without assessment, and to Allow it. That is, let your emotions energetically move into you, into your center.
You may discover that once you are willing to begin to allow what you haven’t been accepting, there is a large number of other emotions behind it that are waiting to be healed, and that some of these things are what’s between you, and the experience of life you want to have.
Acceptance can be a valuable piece of the Alignment (and Manifestation) journey. It helps us clear emotions, move into an Allowance paradigm, and heal what stands between us and the experience of the life we want. If you would like some assistance in experiencing, embodying or mastering Allowance, Acceptance, Alignment (& Manifestation), or help identifying any of your blind spots, please feel welcome to schedule a session together: connect here
The work we do in sessions occurs in 5th dimensional space (so you can be anywhere in the world), and together we facilitate healing, and actualization of your potential.
With much love,
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