When You Align With Yourself, The World Aligns With You
There is a lovely channeled message below regarding how Manifestation & Alignment interact. However, I’d like to share a story that relates to the message. It's about a very simple and human mistake I made and the adjustment that helped me manifest what I desired.
In 2005 I had an epiphany to pursue a professional acting career. I had some experience, but hadn’t acted in more than a decade. I signed up for an acting class, got an agent, and my agent began sending me out to auditions. Over the course of a couple of years I booked very little work.
At the time, I was willing to believe I just wasn’t very good at acting, but something inside told me otherwise. I almost quit, but decided to go in for a last ditch effort. I took the case that my failure might be due a flaw in my auditioning skills.
It took some introspection. I first noted that, despite the smile on my face, I wasn’t genuinely enjoying myself during auditions. I felt out of place.
I then became aware of my intention during each audition. Each time I went in front of a director and casting crew, I was aiming to give them exactly what they wanted. To do this, I had to make a best approximate guess as to what they might want, and play to that.
I realized I couldn’t know in advance what they really wanted. I came to learn much later that in some cases the director and casting director don’t even know what they want until the see it.
I gave up trying to figure it out, and without any clear direction of what to do differently, I just start auditioning for the joy and fun of it. I started using auditions as a chance to just act and do something I loved without attachment to the outcome.
I prepared for each audition, however I began creating additional intentions of what my experience would be as I walked out of the audition. I started tracking my progress in a spreadsheet, and logged how many call backs (second auditions) I got and how many jobs I booked.
Within a short period of time, I started booking paid commercial acting work once a month in Los Angeles! I was having fun and making money from something I loved.
Life naturally has a way of bringing the same lesson back to us until we fully integrate it. And true to this, I had the opportunity to re-learn the lesson recently.
About a year ago, I moved to a new (smaller) city, with it’s own unique culture. Again, there was an outcome I naturally desired: To connect with people, to make great friends, and to experience success in my coaching work with individuals and businesses.
Something happened shortly after I arrived. I shared with a fellow business consultant at a business networking event what I do (manifestation, alignment, etc) and with a rather dismissive tone she said, “Yeah, that’s too woo woo for me.” It’s simply her opinion of course. However, I unknowingly let that moment sneak its way into all my future conversations about business consulting. I stopped sharing with an open expressive heart about what I do and began telling people what I figured would make me seem more credible and make them feel more comfortable. I started giving people information based upon what I thought would match what they wanted to hear.
I was back to where I was when I had first started auditioning.
Recently the words: “Have the courage to be (or seem) weird” kept coming to my heart and mind over and over. My experience has been as though something wanted to break out from my heart space; something within me wanted to shine outward and be free. With a little encouragement from another fellow Business Consultant, I started telling people about the work I do, and this time I included that I also teach business owners how to Manifest!
Within days I found myself meeting and connecting with more people who were really interested in what I do. Awesome new friendships and work relationships started to form. Things, again, started manifesting.
The word Courage can be translated from French as: Coeur = Heart. As such, I’ve always translated Courage to mean “Of The Heart.”
To share ourselves openly from the Heart takes indeed, Courage. We feel afraid of losing something if we bare our true selves. It could be fear of losing our connection to others, our job, or a relationship. In my case recently, it was a fear of losing credibility, connection (and thus being alone or isolated), and financial well-being or success.
We are sometimes unsure if we will feel gotten, seen, connected, and known, if we put ourselves out there and let all of who we are shine. Yet the result is powerful when we are truest to ourselves.
Be your unique heart, your unique expression, and set us all free.
A channeled message for the week...
You may wish to take a deep breath and then continue reading...
Imagine for a moment that you are a unique soul, with a unique human character, with a unique set of skills, and unique makeup. For this is true. Imagine there are a number of matches of outcomes available for you. For this is also true. Imagine there is a unique match of outcomes that will please both your soul and your human character. For this is true.
Now imagine that you tried to go out and make something happen that wasn’t a match for all of that. Imagine you wanted so badly to cause a result, or an outcome that wasn’t a pure match for your unique soul, human character, and makeup. Imagine that if you caused that outcome, you might be momentarily pleased, however it may not feel like the tender bliss of a perfect match after a time.
When you connect to who you truly are, your own unique self-expression, and your own authenticity, you open up space for those outcomes that are a match for you to recognize you as “the same” or “a match.” This essentially is what people are calling now “Alignment.” When something is a perfect match for your soul’s path, your makeup, and your heart’s self-expression.
When you try to imagine what other people want from you, and put on that mask, or persona, you are disconnecting with what is naturally your own Alignment, or your own pure self. There are no strict rules in regards to outcomes. If you make the minor mistake of pretending to be something you’re not really, then positive outcomes can still manifest or be made real. However, you are simply more likely to match up easily with perfect outcomes for you in your highest self-expression and self when you are connected to who you really are at your core level. It simply makes the flow more easy; you are more likely to already be in your natural flow, and so it is easier to let life merge into you naturally.
Choose now to connect into your heart space and be with yourself. Do not be afraid of people not liking you for who you are, or what you have to offer or provide.
Do not be afraid of not belonging or rejection. In this world of positive outcomes, all people that do not match with you will not match with you naturally. If their course should change, they too then can match up with what belongs naturally in their path.
So be still with yourself for a moment in time or more. Let yourself breathe into your body space and be one with yourself for now. Find your truth in the simple quiet, without words, without language, without definition, and be at peace. Find your flow there and connect within.
Move forward from there with peace within, knowing you are on your path. Listen and follow in each moment and each day to where you are guided. You will find your people, you will find your place, you will find your most positive outcomes, and they will find you.
There is indeed enough abundance for everyone.
With much love,
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