Channeled Message: We Listen, And Ask, What Is Next?
You are limitless within yourself...
Channeled message included below...
Whatever we say or think does not automatically become physical reality; fortunately for us. However, when we add a certain frequency of intention, we may begin to create that which we don’t want, which is why it is important not to focus on what we don’t want, or what we are missing (as a missing) in our life. Instead, we focus on what we do want, and put our energetic intentions toward that instead.
It is challenging of course when what we want involves other people. For we are then acting in accordance, not only with what wave we want to ride, but we may also find ourselves caught in the currents, and often rip tides, of what others are inadvertently creating themselves.
So how do we get these currents and rip tides out of our way? How do we diminish them altogether? There are many elements and steps, but focus can be one of our best friends. Focus on what we are creating can help us immensely (independently from others - there is no force of our creation on others involved). The ultimate goal is to become our creation so greatly, that it in turn becomes simply and effortlessly who we are.
This, combined with boundaries, groundedness and our own Aligned oneness within, brings us closer and closer to the inner connection, the em”power”ment we seek, and the ability to wiggle our noses (so-to-speak) and bring what is truly best and highest for ourselves into existence.
Join us for the next Alchemy of Living (Alignment & Manifestation) series as we journey further into this and more...
A channeled message...
(Take a deep breath before reading if you would like.)
Don’t be afraid of what you do not yet have. It’s not the only course one can be upon in life. Don’t be afraid of your mistakes and follies. Don’t be afraid of your shame, your guilt, your misadventures. Don’t be afraid of your humanity. Embrace it and know that it’s yours, but it is not who you are. Who you are is your Soul embodied in a physical frame, and one that is wishing for even more freedom of existence. The freedom of existence is meant to happen as both expansion (outward into your field of potential) and contraction (back into your body as Aligned and contained energetically distinct from others). Dynamically you discover that you are both nothing, everything, all, and also right where you are in your body in fullest existence. You discover you ARE the freedom you seek. You ARE the dynamic you have sought and wished for. You ARE limitless within yourself.
Be well with yourself, you are a Source within yourself.
Take a moment and breathe. Give yourself a little more space in your mind, in your heart, in your body. Give yourself a little more space in your field without traveling too much beyond the boundaries of your own space. Give yourself some ability to rest right now in this space within you. Give yourself the gift, once again, of your own being in lightness and freedom to laugh right now and the existence that once bound you, but now holds you no longer. And stay within your body. Stay within yourself and rather than feel confined, connect to the infinite place within you, feel unconditional love for yourself and breathe. You are okay. You are well. You are free. All is working out for you as it needs to in life. Follow the pathway of light in front of you.
Listen, and ask, what is next?
And hear the very gentle, very subtle, almost quiet drum of the answer. And let it get louder for you to hear.
With much love for an empowered and beautiful week,
For more information on the upcoming Alchemy of Living: Manifestation & Alignment Course click here...
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