Channeled Message & The Art Of Un-Fixing Attention

Rest here now in this music...

Channeled message included below...

Last week I mentioned that Focusing our attention on what we want to have in life can be extremely valuable to the process of Manifestation. However, in reverse, sometimes undoing our Focus can be what is needed, not just to gain insight, but also to Manifest, and to allow things to move into their highest aligned order.
This is usually the case when we have been over-Focused or over-Fixed in our Attention. Over-Focus might involve our Attachment to a particular outcome, or it may not.
Undoing Attachment isn’t always easy for us human beings. On occasion, we can disconnect from our Attachment in a flash. Other times we have deeper cords and ties of Attachment into the outcomes we desire, as well as into other people. This can come from deep-rooted emotions, disharmonious beliefs or pain (or something else) that occurred when we were young children.
Undoing our Focus happens at one level, and it can help us gain space for our thoughts, creativity and being. Undoing our Attachments occurs at another level of disengagement, and may involve deeper clearing of emotions and energetic ties into other people or outcomes in general. Clearing Attachment can help to clear our energy centers, connect us to our own higher consciousness, and open ourselves up to our higher aligned thoughts and actions.
The process and balance of Focusing, Un-Fixing Attention and undoing Attachments all ties into our facility for Manifestation, as well as our ability to Align with our Higher Selves and Higher Aligned Life Path.

If you’re interested in these, and other cool transformational practices, tools, distinctions and seemingly magical energy for Manifestation and Alignment, join us starting this Sunday the 19th of January for a journey of very Practical Magic and the actualization of those things that enlighten our hearts and make our soul dance. We'll have the opportunity to both expand into our higher consciousness, and ground it down into the physical and practical, all inside a channeled space intended for each person's highest outcome.
If you want to participate, but the dates and times don’t work for you, there are additional options in the works. To find out more, send an email here:

Manifest & Align More Here

A channeled message...

(Take a deep breath before reading if you would like.)

Stop wrestling with yourself now. You are over-struggling with the concept of being-ness. It is not the oneness you think you desire. You are here for a different purpose altogether. You are here to sing and dance with the oneness of your OWN soul, not with those of others alone like you once thought.
When you have found the Oneness of your own being within, you will light upon the happiness you desire. From there, you will remain connected to all others.
You are wishing for more. Stop wishing. This is in your way. You ARE the fulfillment of what you wish for NOW. Start there. What do you wish for? Sing it to yourself in a little ditty of music in your own head right now. Give it a tune, a melody. What do you wish for right now? Sing it in your head. Sing it down into your heart now.
There, now, it’s locked in somewhat further. Finding the higher frequency match to what you wish for.
Rest here for now in this music. It is yours to keep within your being throughout each day. You are blessed. You are Golden. You are the whimsy of beauty dancing light on the dew drops. You are the cemented rock beneath the cool earth. You are all of it, right where you are. You are the natural and magical abundance of the planet earth you stand upon. Manifest it now from deep below you to high above you to back to your center heart. Give upon yourself all great things of beauty and magic. You are love. You are Golden. You are a Gift of Source to the planet and then back unto yourself again.
You are everything and all of it together.

With much love,

For more information on the upcoming Alchemy of Living: Manifestation & Alignment Course click here...

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