Overcoming Overwhelm & Connecting To The Song of Your Soul

Not long ago one of you sent me the following question:

“What is the source of overwhelm in general?”

Ah, well it really is a great question.

Here are some possible reasons for overwhelm below.

As you read the list, know that there truly is a positive and empowered solution for each and every one of these challenges listed here. That’s the cool and hope-filled news.

There is also a channeled message below and a link to an upcoming course to help support you further.

Some Reasons We May Feel Overwhelm:

Emotions: Extensive emotion that is more than we can process all at once.

Before it is integrated, emotion can also exist in our field around us energetically. Naturally when a significant event occurs, there may be even more emotional energy generated.

Thoughts & Ideas: A large number ideas or thoughts are occurring within your mind or around your head-space. There are many thoughts trying to get sorted.

This can include a large number of tasks or things you feel you need to accomplish. Thoughts do actually generate energy, and a lot of times, this can create a “bubble” of energy around our heads. That expansive energy around our heads can also sometimes make us feel less grounded and clear.

Overextension of Oneself: We may be "holding" or managing the space of many responsibilities or things. Or we may be contributing more of ourselves (to others) than is authentic to our integrity.

When we’re trying to be available for too many things at once, we’re not easily able to be fully connected to ourselves within. Instead, we’re actually energetically outside of ourselves. This can possibly lead us to feel uncertain about which things should have the greatest priority, not fully present, or simply overwhelmed in general.

Not Knowing What To Do Next: We feel like there's something more, or want to know what to do, but each time we feel out into it, we're not able to find the answer. The unknown may seem vast and not yet tangible.

This is actually good news (really). It often means that you're being called into something more for yourself. This is great thing, but it can feel overwhelming when we're not quite sure how to identify what we're being called into.

A Project/Undertaking May Seem (Too) Big To Accomplish: We’re in either the energetic potential, or the experience, of the bigger picture. It may then be a little more challenging to ground and connect to (or see) the practicalities to get where we want to go.

This could be either something positive we're inspired about (like a creative initiative or goal), or a challenging situation in our personal life that we want and need solutions for. This can also occur when we’re beginning to experience a lot of success in something we’re working on (or in our profession).

When we’re connected to the (energy of the) bigger idea, it can sometimes be harder to identify, breakdown, or take action on the smaller steps to get there.

Also, sometimes the bigger idea is so inspiring, we might resist (not want to do) the smaller actions we consider or feel are mundane.

There is a Limiting Belief Around An Outcome: A big idea, manifestation, goal or aspiration has a strong emotional response within us possibly tied to a limitation, block or fear.

Depending on our aspiration we may have to transform something within us to fulfill on our potential. Those limitations or blocks often have emotion around them. For instance, if we are trying to solve an issue, manifest, or actualize something new, but our consciousness is holding the concurrent belief, “They’re not going to like me,” or “I failed last time,” it can feel overwhelming.

The Feeling That World Has Too Many Problems: We feel powerless in knowing how our world will get better.

Some of us may also get overwhelmed if we look out at media and can only see negativity or wonder at how we (collectively) will solve everything.

(Hint: When we’re deeply connected to our Soul’s Purpose, you may find this decreases the intensity of overwhelm in this, as we are feeling our own empowerment as to how we can contribute to making a difference. If you can imagine that each and every one of us becomes connected to our Soul’s Purpose, it is possible imagining the world becoming a better place.)

Connecting to Other People’s Energy: We are interacting with someone else’s energy.

This can actually occur without even being in someone’s physical presence. This can be particularly true for the Empaths amongst us, or those who access higher dimensional states, although this can be the case for many of us regardless of how aware of energy we are. You could be talking with the person over the phone, or you could be connecting energetically to another person without even speaking. Being overly connected to someone else’s emotional energy can sometimes create a feeling of overwhelm, or disconnect us further from ourselves.

Connecting to Consciousness of Events: We are connecting to the consciousness (and emotion or energy) of events or information in the world.

This can happen when we are connecting to media (sometimes including entertainment media), information, or conversations with others. We may be connecting to the frequency, consciousness, or the emotion someone else has generated while creating the content. That consciousness and energy may not be in our highest and best alignment or might have an intensity that begins to create emotion (or overwhelm) within us. We walk away wondering why we’re suddenly feeling overwhelmed, or not feeling so well.

Connecting To Group/Community/Collective Consciousness: We are connecting in consciousness and energy to a larger group or collective consciousness.

Though this may seem similar to being connected to the emotion of events/media, this has different nuances.

There are many different “collective” or group consciousnesses that we might be a part of. It might be with a community of people, or a group of people at a similar phase of consciousness development as us (there are many iterations of actualization, or groups of people moving through phases), or again, something happening on a much larger scale. Depending on the consciousness of the group, there may be emotions or particular threads of thought that might cause overwhelm.


Channeled Message

If you look out at the world at any moment, be it your own personal world and physical environment, or the greater world beyond your own private space, you may experience there is too much of something. This is a natural experience. Imagine there are billions of creations happening at any one time by all the humans on the planet. It can be a lot. And you are in no way meant to connect to all of. Nor are you meant to connect to all the feelings, emotions, thoughts, ideas, actions, all at once yourself. It would simply be too much to organize.

Simplicity is always the way forward. What is the secret of simplicity? It is that less is the answer in the moment. Just one thing at a time.

So how do you connect to just one thing, and not all of it? The answer is in your breath, in your Soul, in your being, and in your Aligned Actions forward.

Let’s start with your breath. It is a simple thing, the breath. When you connect to it, you become aware of your physical self as an experience within you. Your lungs are conveniently located near your Heart, so your breath is also a good way to connect with your Heart Center. It is experience in your nasal passage and thus your head, your throat and down through the neck, into the chest, and downward further into the diaphragm and lower part of the physical core.

Your breath instantly brings you into the moment. Often forgotten in the duration of the day as less important to the flurry of activity, the breath reminds you that you are here, in the moment.

So, then with a deep breath, all things can start to be felt even more within, and that state of presence is quite relevant to being guided forward on your Aligned Path.

What of the Soul then… Well, your Soul has a very precious, special, ever so unique Song to sing in the world. It is not a true song as in music that you hear in the world… Though some will be gifted with the voice of song literally as musicians and those who translate humanity into musical words and sound. Each and every person and Soul, whether it has been forgotten or is alive and freely aware, is present within the human being. There is a Purpose of being, a reason for choice and experiential existence of being human at this moment in time. There is a unique Song within and tied to each Soul.

It is okay to let go of everything that is not actually yours, or meant to be yours. Many call these things “Boundaries,” and there are many expressions for the experience of Boundaries. Yet what is actually happening in some cases is that you are owning something that is simply not yours nor was never meant to be. These things are more simple from above, or seen without the chatter of human energy. There is more clarity at a distance. Understandably, when you get closer and closer to an object, that thing becomes brighter and louder. Such is the case with the experience of overwhelm. In some cases, you’re simply holding something that isn’t meant to be a part of your path in the first place. Ah, well, these things get discovered along the way and released.

Connecting to your Soul, your true Purpose, what you’re meant for in the simple and big matters. And knowing where to go next, this gives you the Simplicity of your Journey and the right way forward. There are good things for you, and even better things for you. There are lessons to learn and “Thank you for this Gift” says you Soul. And then there is the “more than is necessary and needed.” That can be true as well.

So, again, begin with your Breath, and know that at the very least. This exact moment is exactly and precisely where you are meant to be. Because you are here Move left, right, forwards or go lie down… The next action forward is then led ever so perfectly, without the extraneous to confuse you or overwhelm.

It is all there, with your Soul, with your fulfillment, with your joy of discovering you as you’re exactly meant to be. Discover that, and all will be well.


Discover More in our upcoming 3 week-course starting March 20th…

Click below for more information on the course

The Call of Your Soul: Fulfilling Your Unique Potential

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