Are You In Sync With The Rhythm?
Falling into step with your own Highest Aligned Life Path,
and a channeled Affirmation for you.
“I have this consistent complaint that I have terrible timing. As though things aren’t coming together or aligning,” she says to me.
Tuning into the higher answer for her, a memory and metaphor comes to me to help illustrate what was going on for her. I ask her highest self for permission to share a story of mine. I then say to her...
“In music there is a 4 beat count. Most people know, even intuitively, to clap or move in rhythm with the 2 and 4 count. However, my whole life I’ve had this thing about loving being unique, quirky and simply not following what everyone else was doing. So consciously, knowing exactly what I was doing, I’d clap or dance to the rhythm of the 1 and 3. I knew people might wonder if I just have terrible rhythm. I wasn’t worried about that though, because for me, there was playfulness in it; it always brought a little smile to my face, joy, discovery, and an interruption or un-breaking of my own habitual patterning.
A couple years ago, I was dancing with my friend who, with no embarrassment, asked me what I was doing. I laughed and shared. He said, “I appreciate that. But when you move with the 1 and 3 beats, I can’t dance with you.” I stood there for a moment, wondering if I wanted to give up this little piece of my identity. I took a breath and surrendered for a bit, in trust of him and his caring for me.
And he was right, our dancing together flowed in totally awesome ways, but still remained very unique and even creatively quirky.
I then said to her, “At some moment your complaint about having terrible timing in life became an "always" or "often" observation, and then when also combined with an experience [in your consciousness] of wanting to avoid feeling controlled by others or life, resistance increased and you simply fell into a 1 and 3 rhythm with the universe.
"The next step is to begin learning to trust yourself, trust the universe, and, metaphorically speaking, surrender to the 2 and 4 rhythm of your dance with the universe.” You still get to be you, 100% in any way you want, just with more breath, ease, effortlessness and flow.
"From there, we can heal any remaining layered-experiences, emotions and thought-beliefs in your consciousness around it all."
Just in case it's helpful to qualify, this is never about giving up all that is unique to us, or submitting to norms that have us quiet that uniqueness or purpose. The point is to live our joy loud and proud. Though I'll still jam to the 1 and 3 beats for the unique fun of it, re-aligning with the 2 and 4 beats was still equally enjoyable for me, and even allowed me to relax and let go more deeply in the moment ;)
It is about ... when we push against or resist flow, then find flow, are in sync with what is in our highest alignment in life overall, and are led by it. This may be a simple process, or it may mean that consciousness and emotions then arise that need to be further healed, transformed or cleared. Either is perfectly okay.
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Discovering your highest aligned life path, deeply healing all parts of consciousness and emotions, clearing all that is not aligned for you, creating stronger energetic boundaries, fulfilling your potential and prosperity, or connecting to your soul's calling and purpose, feel welcome to schedule a private one-on-one session: