Compassion for Self-Criticism: Channeled Message

Know You Are Beautiful…

Our month of Self-Love continues... 

A channeled message and some exercises for the week:

You may wish to take a deep breath and then continue reading...

Have you been more gentle with yourself this past week? Have you been kinder to yourself this past week? Continue to be gentle and continue to be kind. The softness helps pave the answers and the clarity.

You are a soul in a body, in a form in a time. There are many things to learn and quickly you absorb content from your environment around you.

Kindly begin to listen to yourself now. Within you is a set of information running, some of which no longer serves you. Begin by searching for where you are harming yourself through judgment or self-criticism. Where are you hurting yourself? Where are you listening to others hurting themselves hurting you? Where are you listening to others criticizing themselves criticizing you?

You may absorb the criticism because to fit in, to belong, to survive, one must adapt to the needs of the group. And so you are good and you comply to the communication and let it inform you. You absorb. Your animal brain may say, “if you fail, you will be cast out and die.” A harsh reality no longer necessary. For abundance is everywhere, as is love, as is belonging. This kind of frequency is no longer needed. It does not inform as it may once have and has become counter to the fostering of growth of abundance and belonging. You live and thrive in creation, not in destruction.

Find deep within yourself the desire and longing to belong, to be loved, to be accepted and nurtured. Let it be touched by light and breathe. Let it be resolved and know that all good things are available and coming to you.

Your mental capacity needs rest from all the conducting of thought and information. Be gentle with yourself now and find ways to bring quiet into your space. To bring breath into your being. Breathe now, deeply, over and over.

Loving yourself now looks like granting yourself the ability to discern your own thoughts, your own being, your own light, your own self. Loving yourself now looks like giving yourself physical energetic space to stay strong in your conviction of self-love and positive self-assessment when the world is weak and sad and at its knees in desperation. Know yourself as beautiful. Know yourself as energetically strong. Know yourself as Divine. Know yourself as infinite. Know yourself as gifted from the Grace of Beyond. Know yourself as All Things & No Things all at once. Know yourself as love. Know yourself as Beautiful. This is your Gift.

You are a soul in a body, discovering; a soul in a body decompressing; a soul in a body Finding Love, knowing Love Is.

Give yourself the gift of self-love.


This week look for all the places you are criticizing yourself, feeling insufficient, or feeling like you are failing. You are not failing. Take a deep breath. Pick yourself up and move forward or pick yourself up and do something kind for yourself. Tell yourself that you are a soul on a journey doing a really great job just by existing.

You may want to make a list of all the places you are criticizing yourself. You may also look to where you feel others have been criticizing you. Or where you notice yourself criticizing others. What are the conversations for criticism in your mental, emotional, energetic and psychic space? Writing them down might feel emotionally painful to even touch them mentally, but it can serve. First feel compassion for yourself, then do it if you can. Begin to breathe into those emotional spaces within. Give them space. Start to imagine love and light touching them. Feel great amounts of compassion toward yourself.

Now grant yourself the gift of the strength of love by choosing something else. This can be done in a number of different ways. You could do any of the following:

  • Find examples of where you are great or have been great recently. It could be in a completely different area of life. Build yourself up in how great you are there and expand your feeling of being awesome.

  • Turn it on its head by giving the critical belief the opposite wording. “I’m a bad mom” turns into “I’m a great mom.” Now find evidence of where the second, positive, statement is true. Write down the evidence that you see. Now write the positive statement on a sticky note and read it throughout the day. Remind yourself of the new thought/affirmation/belief.

  • Start focusing on what inspires you in life or what you are looking forward to in the future. Take actions toward that and focus on the positive experience of that instead.

  • Continue to do really nice things for yourself. If you are in a particularly self-critical space, reward yourself now more than normal. Reward yourself for nothing in particular. Reward yourself simply for having chosen to come be here in human form on this planet now. Give yourself a wealth of goodness for choosing just to Be.

  • Sit in meditation (or sometimes in the bath can help too) and just breathe, letting all the self-criticism and harshness go. Imagine filling your soul’s energetic field with love and light instead. Fill it to the brim, breathe it in and relax. You are beautiful, you are exquisite, you are bountiful, you are blessed, you are wonderful. You are loved. …Now love yourself and start telling yourself WONDERFUL things about yourself – the list is nearly endless.

You are loved. So very very loved.

Have an "I am amazing, wonderful and beautiful" week.

Much love,

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