Be Kind, Be Gentle: Channeled Message & Exercises

Our channeled message for the week, some exercises and an intention:

You may wish to take a deep breath and then continue reading...

Look out over all your circumstances, all your situations, all your life happenings. Look at the ones that work, the ones that are scruffy, the ones that hurt, the ones that shine. You’re in an imaginary matrix of energy lines and intersections, of structures and interactions. Far more than you realize.

For a moment, let them all be. Breathe into them in your senses, in your body and in your imagination. Breathe in peace, breathe out peace.

Let peace or a tiny bit of light touch every intersection of each line. Even the ones that are most challenging, most charged, most edgy, most insulting. Just imagine the lines – not necessarily the people themselves or things. Let a little bit of light touch each imaginary intersection of people, circumstances and events in your life. Just a tiny bit of light to ease the tension at that intersection or to help things move or simply be acknowledged in it’s beauty.

Now breathe and let gentleness wash over you. Be at peace now, more than ever. Be still and calm within yourself now, more than ever. Be gentle with yourself and others now, more than ever. Be kind to yourself and others now, more than ever.

Gentleness is needed on this planet at this time to help the transition that is occurring. Already much has shifted and continues to shift. Let yourself stand strong for the beauty that resides in others. It is there, for all to see.

The more often you are quiet, the more often you are still, the more often you are at peace, the more often you are gentle and generous with yourself, the faster your shift will occur.

You will hear the voice of Source ring through you. You will hear your strength, your beauty, your song.

Look at the matrix lines and intersections of your life and understand that it is changing. Begin to allow it to change by sending gentle light into it all.

You are a soul with a body, on a path with a plan.

Surrender, allow, love and be.

Be gentle with yourself now, more than ever. Breathe light into your being.


If you would like an exercise to help accompany this here are some you can try…

Perhaps you feel too frustrated to even “hear” the lines written above. None to worry…

  • Sit quietly for some time and simply breathe. Gently imagine light filtering into you with a particular quality: Gentleness, Intelligence, Clarity, Love, …anything. Each of those elements has a frequency. “Ask” for this to be given to you and allow it to gently flow down into you. You may want to sit for some time to let it truly fill you up.

With this new strength of energy…

  • Choose an action that is new – something you haven’t done before. Bring love where love didn’t previously exist, or more love to an existing situation.

  • Be kind to yourself where you haven’t yet been. Write a list of where you are unkind to yourself. Next to each item where you are unkind to yourself, now finish the sentence “someone who is kind to themselves would do this…” or “if I were kind to myself it would look like this…” and write kind actions a person (you) could take instead. Now, take those kind actions toward yourself.

Set the intention this week to be even more kind to yourself than you already are or have been.

  • Be kind to a stranger or leave “drops” of light in random acts of kindness for others. Create even more “through-lines” of light and love of being in your invisible (but existing) matrix. You may already be a generous, loving person, who does these kinds of things. This time, do it while imagining you are helping on behalf of rebuilding the world’s unseen energetic matrix.


Have a gentle, beautiful and blessed week.

Much love,

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