The Frequency of Play: Channeled Message
You Are Okay…
Our month of Self-Love continues...
A channeled message for the week:
You may wish to take a deep breath and then continue reading...
Ah, the bliss of being. How it escapes one so many times. You look out at your life and sometimes it is as though it’s through an empty bottle or glass. Things visible, out there in the future, but distorted and slightly unclear. And you are thwarted in your desire for clarity, in your desire for peace. It is okay. All things are well. All things are happening in orchestration with the divine as needs be. Let go and breathe and hear the symphony of love happening behind you, around you, within you. Breathe it in. It is as though you press “silent” or “mute” on the television and you watch the chaos of things overlaid by peaceful music and things settle within you.
You are okay. All things are well.
You look out at your life through the empty clear bottle at the distortion of things and realize you don’t want to control the outcome, and so you breathe, and relax, and let peace in. You don’t want to interact with the frequency of Chaos, and so you breathe, and relax and gently dance step your way through. You imagine that bottle filling up with effervescent pink liquid and then you drink it, the fizzy sweetness refreshing your being. And you remember Play. You remember skinning your knee as a child and a moment of sadness. And then a band-aid and a cookie, or a drink of fizzy sweet something, someone tells you that you are okay, and it is still morning, and you go out and Play. And all things are well. Your heart is full and your being full of fresh air.
Remember what it is to love yourself freely, to love those that love you freely, without condition. Remember what it is to Play and Explore and Be. Remember what it is to laugh and feel Joy. Someone older than you says, “now we have to clean our rooms,” and you say, “but I don’t want to! I want to Play and be Free,” and they show you that you can play or sing as you clean and it is easy, and it is free, and it is okay. And you are happy. And now your room is clean too.
Play is the frequency of forgiveness, of freedom, of All Things Are Okay and As They Should Be. With too many rooms to clean, too many dishes to wash, to many electric bills to pay, you have simply forgotten the frequency of Play. So this week, put a band-aid on your knee, on your heart, on your Chaos, on your being, on your life, and Play. Bring LOVE to yourself through Play. Bring Light to yourself through Play. Be that all things are okay, because they are, even in death.
Smile now. Just now, this now, right now. Smile. It’s okay to smile when the world tells you that you shouldn’t. It’s okay to show Grace and Beauty and Goodness when all things are in disarray. It is okay to Be. It is okay to Play.
It is okay to have Forgotten what Play is. It is okay. You are okay. When you Play this week remember you are extraordinary, you are a being of Light and Goodness to your core. Remember you are Loved more fully than you can comprehend. Will you receive that gift this week? Would you? As would like a child, with a scraped knee needing consoling or coming back in from Play.
You are okay. All things are well. You are okay.
Breathe and be at peace.
This week to love yourself we ask that you Play. Experiment and explore the frequency and experience of Play. What does it feel like? Play when no one is watching. Give the gift of lightness to yourself, to others.
Notice that all tasks and all things become easier when you consider it with Play. Lighter, less burdened.
So far some still haven’t loved themselves more because there is something still to do, something left to accomplish first. There is nothing left to do in this moment but love yourself. And bring lightness to your being by bringing lightness to all your actions.
Love yourself this week by exploring the frequency of Play in all things. And then in the Space that has been created, do beautiful things for yourself and Love Yourself even more.
Smile now. Just now, this now, right now. Smile. And know you are Greatness in Being. Go out and Play in discovery, in exploration, in creativity, in freedom and in lightness of being as you build and move. We love you.
Much love,
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