What Are You Creating Now? Channeled Message
Today, in light of all your life is, in light of all the things to do, all the distractions, and all the frequencies and thoughts of others bombarding you, choose something else. Choose to create more...
We share space. With many others. This is plain and simple. Sometimes it’s just within our own home, or our work space. And then there is the greater space of the town or city where we live, and then the state, province or region, and then the country. Beyond that, the world.
But wherever we share the most contact, we share the most similarity in thought, belief and conversation, passed between us whether we are cognizant of it or not, sometimes in the unseen space between us. We adopt things from one another or get frustrated when we are exposed ongoingly to something we don’t want to adopt at all, or rather, would like to reject.
What we often discover and find is that the acknowledgement of these threads of consciousness, whether through conscious analysis or through energetic allowance and clearing of the consciousness, frees us up to have more space within our field and being. In that space we then can create more. Although the form of creation shifts ever so slightly, we never stop creating, not even when everything possible is acknowledged or cleared.
Today, in light of my very busy week ahead and another new adventure, I am choosing love and peace. Where I am is my own center of abundance, joy, empowerment and love. And if you looked at me you would find a deep hug of constancy and solidity in our fullest potential of abundance, joy, empowerment and love as beings. This, though not inauthentic for me, is also a creation. Because this week I assure you, all that could very easily get lost in a moment among the great shuffle of what is happening in my life.
What are you creating this week?
Here is something further channeled for you…
The power to see your truth is within you, if only marred on occasion by the emotional fragmentation of human existence. So many frequencies of thought exist around you; so many realities concurrently available. Find the match for you. Find the one that resonates and makes you feel the most happy, the most beautiful, the most kind and empowered. Find the one that is a match for the extraordinariness of your existence. What does that frequency say to you? What does it say about your existence?
The power of your truth is only hidden because you are bombarded by frequencies that are not a match for the power of your purity. Your purest self, separate from all other truths.
The “facts” do not matter as much as you make them matter; only in scientific relationship with the physical nature of things. What is most important is the purity of the highest self. From there, all “facts” and truths unnatural to your frequency fall away and you are left in peace.
Be not afraid of the entirety of existence. It is boundless and it is only the intricacies of so many modalities of thought and mind that complicate. Separate yourself for a moment from the mind by dropping down into your being and quietly breathe, listening for your awakening to the next level of expanded greatness. Do not “reject” anything, and yet, suspend for a moment in the space of awareness and allowance. All things by nature are neutral; a charge is added by the ego and human relationship of ego pain and survival. Let go for a moment and suspend in the space around you, allowing for all things to be okay, all things to be as they are, all things to be one, not with you, but with themselves. Grant them all the grace of their own being and their own light. They are of value where they exist because they have been created on the planet. They are the evidence of creation existing. So grant them, these frequencies, these realities, these thoughts, these “facts,” their own existence of creation and their own being, because like all things, they have been created. See them as they are, separate from you, in the value of their own creation, and let them connect to their own beingness of light, granting them the freedom of their own existence, and in turn, freedom from having to exist within your experience.
All things are created. What are you creating now? Create something, right now, in this moment. Create a thought; a window in the mind; an illustration of beingness; whatever that is for you in this moment. Create an experience; a love; a kindness; a generosity. Create something, anything, in this moment right here and now. You can create anything. It can be something old, or something new. It can be something you’ve never thought before. Create something now.
Where in your being are you creating it? In your head? In your heart? In your belly? Right now it doesn’t matter where. Create something, anything. So you can refresh your experience of what it is to create.
Of all those thoughts, frequencies, ideas, experiences out there in your field, and in the world – you created some of those. Which ones are you creating now?
With much love,
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