An "Always Outcome of Abundance": Channeled Exercise & Message

The Happiest Outcome Possible...

Sometimes even when all is going well, or when we feel like we have “caught the wave” and are riding high, we get stopped or stuck again. Perhaps something happens to throw us off our game, or put a hitch in our happiness. What we sometimes forget is that we are hoping happiness stays, without taking into our own hands the creation of an “always outcome of abundance.”


A channeled exercise and message for the week...

Think of something you don’t like in your life. Something that bothers you or gets in the way of your joy. Now, instead of relating to it as something you don’t like, want to reject, or want to be different, try understanding it in a different light. Try seeing it through a different frame or lens... 

Understand that truly, anything can be yours; anything can be created as you wish if you only wish to create it.

So now, look at the thing you don’t like, the thing that causes distaste or disharmony within you. You know that this is not an authentic experience of your greatest self, and yet perhaps it haunts you or fills your being with a wanting for more, or an unhappiness.

First, surround the thing you are looking at or focusing on with light. Surround it with light in your imagination. It could be a crack in a tile on your beautiful new kitchen floor, or something someone said to you that made you feel ill, or a desire to let go of a particular relationship or situation. Whatever it is, whether it is in front of you visually, or in your mind’s eye, surround it with light. Don’t force light upon another person with your ego – that is not this. Simply surround it with light in your imagination. Now that you’ve given good measure to this, let the thing or area of life fill up with light. Let it not just be surrounded by light, but filled completely by light. Let this settle into your being, into your center, that now it is of light. Let that filter or seep into you conceptually, and then from an idea to a belief, and then from a belief to an experience, that it is of light. Don’t fight it with your mind or concept of “what is this about” or “what does this matter anyhow” or anything else your mind wants to think. Just let it be so within you. Now breathe and let it relax into you. Let it fill you up in your being with light as well. It doesn’t have to matter “where” this light is coming from. You just breathe it in and let is relax into you. Allow yourself to gently let go and disconnect from your perception of “wrongness” about this thing or idea or person or situation. Let yourself disconnect from the thing altogether. Let it be there, while you are “here” where you are, within your being center. Keep breathing. Keep letting it flow around you and through you or whatever ends up happening.

Slowly let your perception of this experience, thing, person or situation further diminish. Let your idea of what it is all go.

Imagine that there could be the happiest, most glorious outcome possible. You don’t have to have any idea of what that might look like or be. Just that it is so as a concept in your mind. The energy of that thought, that there could be the happiest, most glorious outcome possible, has its own frequency. Let’s say the energy of that statement or idea has its own color even. Slowly let the energy of “the happiest, most glorious outcome possible” surround the thing, the person, the situation, whatever it is. Don’t think! Don’t think what that might be, or how that might be, or anything just yet (unless it naturally or positively occurs to you). Don’t let your ego mind say “no this isn’t possible.” Just let it be surrounded by the color or energy of this new thought frequency.

Now understand this: the happiest, most glorious outcome IS possible. There is an avenue that is easiest, that serves the highest good of all, that serves your soul’s path or that of others. There is an opportunity for something enlightening, or magical, or healing to occur. There is Abundance!

Say to yourself now: “I have an abundance of everything I need. Everything I need is fulfilled in perfect timing, in the perfect way, in the perfect outcome.” Believe and know it to be true, right in your center core, beneath any fear or doubt. Let it take root within you and be so. Let it flow and seep out of you from within.

Now begin to allow new avenues for thought, experience or ideas to enter into you as regards the thing you did not like. Perhaps you will see that you just needed to let go, or perhaps you will think of a resource to help you repair the thing, or perhaps something can now show up to provide what you need. Breathe and let your highest solution appear to you in whatever form it does. If you need helping thinking new thoughts as regards the situation, journal it out in free form writing - just let the words flow through you and your pen onto paper.

You may find you need to clear some emotions, or you just needed to unfix your mind's attention and feed yourself with love and well being.

You are loved. You are abundance in action. You are the divine in fulfillment of physical form. Be your love. Be your greatest, happiest, most glorious outcome of human existence – for that is what you are. Everything else is just past human existence shouting out its words of fear. Everything else is just the threads of human creation that are no longer needed on your glorious path of abundance.

Surround it all in light. Be that you ARE abundance. You are beauty in physical form. You are beauty in action.


With much love,

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