Love Is Always Free: Channeled Message

Ahhhhhh... just breathe it in...

Each week for the next five weeks I’m going to be sending out “sprinklings” and communications of channeled love.


There are so many frequencies out there in the world, and so many that are not what we’re wanting to experience. When we open our phones or turn on the tv to see the news, when we read a frustrated email, or go on social media, or see someone flip someone else off at a stop light. Or perhaps we just wake up tired and get someone else’s energy oozed all over us and it just feels off. It isn’t a reminder of who we really are and the experience we perhaps came here wanting to have.

So this time when you open an email you’ll get a bit of something that takes you a little closer home. There won’t be any background intention other than to give you a little jazz of something good. Mostly it will be channeled.

I recently sent you an email and said I’d be dedicating March as “Self-Love Month” to keep that February vibe alive. So every week there will be a “Love” or “Self-Love” message, exercise, or channeled communication. You can open the email knowing that it is meant to simply give you the chance to breathe for a moment, to be at peace, to absorb and be with yourself in the mirror of love.


Here is something channeled to get us started…

With your eyes closed, in a quiet place, sit and imagine yourself surrounded by light. Gently imagine that light either turns into love or by its nature is love. It gently begins to seep into you. You are loved.

You are right where you need be, in this moment, in this hour, in this day, in this part of your life. Breathe deeply and allow in all the goodness coming to you, for it has its own frequency of goodness, of greatness, and perhaps it is even just waiting for you to say “yes.” Perhaps that “yes” will open a door in the dam and let the water begin to trickle in to soothe your soul before what you have asked for even arrives. Let yourself be loved by all the goodness coming to you; let it fill you up and be given to you energetically right now, regardless of physical manifestation.

Now gently, slowly turn your attention inward and match that frequency. Let yourself give to yourself, as though there are momentarily two parts of you, the giver and the receiver. Give to yourself the “yes” of all that good energy and all the love that follows right behind it. Give to yourself the blessing of greatness that is the expansiveness of everything. Say “yes” to this love that you are granting to yourself. Give right into the very center of your heart a frequency of warmth, and gentle generosity that is your gift and birth right. Give unconditionally to that little spot right in the center of your chest area, deep within the physical core, that tiny center point. Let it grow and grow in white and blue light. Let it fill you and then grow to surround your whole body and protect you. Let it be you.

Until next time my friends, my comrades in love.


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